Salgado, A. (2019, February 18–19). Iberian Academy Dictionaries as Lexical Resources [Poster presentation]. ELEXIS Observer Event, Austrian Center for Digital Humanities (ACDH), Vienna, Austria. DOI:
- Presentations
- Views: 762
Salgado, A. (2019, February 18–19). Iberian Academy Dictionaries as Lexical Resources [Poster presentation]. ELEXIS Observer Event, Austrian Center for Digital Humanities (ACDH), Vienna, Austria. DOI:
Salgado, A. & Costa, R. (2019). O projeto Edição Digital dos Vocabulários da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa: o VOLP 1940. PowerPoint slides presented at XXXV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, 9–11 October, Universidade do Minho, Portugal.
See also: Livro de Resumos
Salgado, Ana, Costa, Rute, Tasovac, Toma & Simões, Alberto (2019). TEI Lex-0 In Action: Improving the Encoding of the Dictionary of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. PowerPoint slides presented at eLex 2019 conference, 1–3 October 2019, Sintra, Portugal.
Salgado, A. & Costa, R. (2019). A good TACTIC for lexicographical work: football terms encoded in TEI Lex-0.PowerPoint slides presented at C. Roche (ed.), TOTh 2019 Conference, 6–7 June, Scientific Campus of University of Savoie Mont-Blanc, Chambéry, France.
[in press]
Salgado, A. (2019). Etymology in the Portuguese Academy of Sciences Dictionary. PowerPoint slides presented at the DH Training Workshop: Digital Methods for Linguistic Investigation, S. Olivieri (org.), 13–15 November, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin.
Simões, A., Salgado, A. Costa, R. & Almeida, J. J. (2019). LeXmart: A Smart Tool for Lexicographers. PowerPoint slides presented at eLex 2019 conference, 1–3 October 2019, Sintra, Portugal.
Salgado, A. Costa, R. & Tasovac, T. (2019). TEI Lex-0: a good fit for the encoding of the Portuguese Academy Dictionary? PowerPoint slides presented at TEI Conference 2019, What is text, really? TEI and beyond, 16–20 September, University of Graz, Austria.
See also: Book of abstracts